※ TIP-D2 can be used in the injection mold of single cavity and multiple-cavity. ※ Using screw-type heater and independent thermocouple ensures the reasonable heating power and precise temperature-controlling. ※ There are model# 12,16,19,25,32 totally five standard # in this serial for choice to different plastic forming. ※ It is best suitable for the forming of each kind of plastic. Features : ※ There is no traditional plastic regrinds, the gate mark is very small, being spotted state, and there is a ring around the gate. ※ The color-change quality is good. ※ The cooling effect is very good to reduce the cycle time, and there is no plastic regrind, which raises the productivity greatly. ※ It is with simple installation, easily maintenance, and the good parts interchangeability. ※ The match use of J type TC and HOTTIP smart temperature controller will be in better effect.